303.980.8127 or 720.985.4101
Golden, Colorado

Calypso's X Litter - 'X-Men'
Dam:Calypso’s Herky the Hawkette
Sire: CH Cornerstone’s Warrior Walks in Moonlight
Whelped: December 30, 2024

Calypso W Litter - 'Whiskey'
Dam:Calypso Reese’s Love You to Pieces
Sire: AKC CH Int Blue Hill’s Rustle A Rhapsody with Alpenblick ATT
Whelped: June 20, 2024
Calypso's V Litter - 'Villains'
Dam:GCH Calypso’s Queen Penelope of Ithaca (Piper) CGCA, CGCU
Sire: BSS GCH Wildest Dream Snow King of Norseman (Ullr) FCDC, ACT1, CGCA, TKN
Whelped: February 13, 2023
Piper and Ullr are the proud parents of 5 pups.
There are 4 boys and 1 girls.

Calypso/Cornerstone "I Love Lucy" Litter
Dam:Cornerstone’s Walk Like an Egyptian CGDA, CGCU (Cairo)
Sire: CH Double Q’s Sunrise Mandla (Manny)
Whelped: September 26, 2022
Calypso's U Litter - 'University Mascots'
Dam:GCH Calypso’s Queen Penelope of Ithaca (Piper) CGCA, CGCU
Sire: GCH Cornerstone’s Sun Rise Over Humbolt Peak, (Cristo) RN, CGCA, CGCU
Whelped: May 31, 2022
Piper and Cristo are the proud parents of 4 pups.
There are 2 boys and 2 girls.

Calypso's T Litter - 'Treasures'
Dam:CH Calypso’s Queen Penelope of Ithaca (Piper)
Sire: CH Cornerstone’s Sun Rise Over Humbolt Peak, RN (Cristo)
Whelped: February 28, 2021
3 Girls & 7 Boys
Calypso's S Litter - 'Snacks'
Dam:GCH Rocky Mountain Fern (Fern)
Sire:GCH Fairwinds Calypso's Sam Eagle (Ronin)
Whelped: November 4, 2020
Fern and Ronin are the proud parents of 10 pups.
There are 7 boys and 3 girls. Mom and babies are doing great!

Calypso's R Litter - 'Rivers'
Dam:GCH Calypso's Lady Guenevere (Guen)
Sire: GCHG CH Calypso' Flash Ranger's Conundrum (Ranger)
Whelped: June 5, 2020
Calypso's Q Litter - 'Queen Songs'
Dam:CH Rivendell's Baby Blue at Calypso (Sky)
Sire:GCHG CH Calypso' Flash Ranger's Conundrum (Ranger)
Whelped: July 11, 2019

Calypso's P Litter - 'Pirates'
Dam: Calypso Fair Winds Wishbone Rigged Ketch (Riggi)
Sire: CH Snowy Mountains Judge of Jura (Judge)
Whelped: February 25, 2019
Calypso's O Litter - 'Odyssey'
Dam: Calypso Fair Winds Wishbone Rigged Ketch (Riggi)
Sire: :CH Tree 'n Sea Kings Heavy Hitter at Calypso (Slugger)
Whelped: May 29, 2018

Calypso's N Litter - 'National Parks'
Dam: CH Artic Dream from Swiss Star (Tundra)
Sire: GCHG CH Calypso' Flash Ranger's Conundrum (Ranger)
Whelped: May 20, 2018
Calypso's M Litter - 'Muppets'
Dam: CH Calypso's Faiiwinds & Following Seas (Tiller)
Sire: CH Tree 'n Sea Kings Heavy Hitter at Calypso (Slugger)
Whelped: August 24, 2017

Calypso's L Litter - 'Lion King'
Dam: Calypso Fair Winds Wishbone Rigged Ketch (Riggi)
Sire: CH Cornerstone's Just Brewed Up Trouble (Porter)
Whelped: January 27, 2017
Calypso's K Litter - 'Kegs and Brews'
Dam: BGCH Calypso Heath's Miss McGillicuddy (Lucy)
Sire: GCH Remington's Pride First Night (Leonidas)
Whelped: June 29, 2016

Calypso's J Litter - 'Jelly Bellies'
Dam: CH Calypso's Skipper Zipp's Clipper Ship (Sailor)
Sire: CH Cedarcove's Senntinel (Roman)
Whelped: June 7, 2016
Calypso's I Litter - 'Ice Cream'
Dam: CedarCove's Lunar Eclipse at Calypso (Luna)
Sire: CH Calypso's Dinwoodie Fudnuddler (Woody)
Whelped: January 11, 2016
Red Girl - Bear Creek Calypso Midnight Elllie--Ellie
Green Boy - Bear Creek Calypso Bon Bons Jovi - Bishop
Yellow Girl - Bear Creek Calypso Ooey Gooey Buttercup - JoJo
Black Boy-Bear Creek Calypso Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz-Bean
Pink Girl - Bear Creek Calypso Fudnuddler's Fluffernutter - Sundae
Blue Boy - Bear Creek Calypso Chunky Monkey--Ozzy
Brown Boy - Bear Creek Calypso Beauregard Bourbon - Beauregard

Calypso's H Litter - 'Harry Potter'
Dam: CedarCove's Lunar Eclipse at Calypso (Luna)
Sire: GCH Wildest Dream Enchanted Sojourner (King)
Whelped: June 3, 2015
Green Boy - Calypso BearCreek's Call of the Moon - Remus
Blue Boy - Calypso Bear Creek Dobby - Riot
Red Girl - Calypso Bear Creek Bellatrix - Trixie
Purple Girl - Calypso Bear Creek Seeker - Bailey
Brown Boy - Calypso Bear Creek Sirius Black - Elvis
Black Boy - Calypso Bear Creek Fang - Bear
Calypso's G Litter - 'Great Blue Sea'
Dam: CH Calypso Skipper Zipp's Clipper Ship (Sailor)
Sire: GCH Cornerstone's Extreme Heat (Flash)
Whelped: October 31, 2014
Red Girl - Calypso's Fair Winds & Following Seas - Tiller (Tillie)
Pink Girl - Calypso Fair Winds Compass Rose - Gemma
Purple Girl - Calypso Fair Winds Wishbone Rigged Ketch - Riggi
Green Boy - Calypso Fair Winds Shark Bait Oo-Ha-Ha - Bentley
Blue Boy - Calypso Fair Winds True North - Rigby

Calypso's F Litter - 'Fourteeners'
Dam: GCH Calypso Heath's Miss McGillicuddy (Lucy)
Sire: GCH Cornerstone's Extreme Heat (Flash)
Whelped: June 26, 2014
Blue Boy - Calypso's Quandary Peak - Dozer
Red Boy - Calypso Flash Ranger's Conundrum - Ranger
White Girl - Calypso's Blanca Peak - Nana
Green Boy - Calypso's Mount Massive- Major
Olive Boy - Calypso's Mount Bierstadt - Barley
Teal Girl - Calypso V Cornerstone Jewel of Sunshine Peak- Jada
Purple Boy - Calypso's Pyramid Peak - Zombie
Yellow Girl - Calypso's Mount Evans- Riley
Pink Girl - Calypso Pine Grove's Little Bear- Ursa
Brown Boy - Calypso V EagleHill's Asgardian Challenger - Thor
Calypso's E Litter - 'Eighties Songs'
Dam: CH Calypso Scrabble's Phoenix (Sophie)
Sire: GCH Cornerstone's Extreme Heat (Flash)
Whelped: August 11, 2013
Red Girl - Calypso's Addicted to Love - Addie
Green Boy - Calypso Flash's Thriller- Sampson
Pink Girl - Calypso's Kiss - Bella
Blue Boy-Calypso Flash's Wild Thing - Talos
Purple Girl - Calypso Flash's Run to the Hills - Saison

Calypso's D Litter - 'Dr. Seuss'
Dam: CH Calypsokai's Avanti et Kellnor (Avanti)
Sire: CH CedarCove's Truly Heath (Heath)
Whelped: March 11, 2012
Green Boy - Calyupso's Brutus - Ruckus
Purple Girl - Calypso Heath's Miss McGillicuddy - Lucy
Blue Boy - Carlypso's Brown Bar-ba-loots - Winston
Pink Girl - Calypso's Lady Arabella - Gemma
Teal Girl - Calypso's Cindy Lou Who - Lou
Brown Boy - Calypso's Dinwoodie Fuddnuddler - Woody
Yellow Girl - Calypso's TBA - Tigua
Red Girl - Calypso Skipper Zipp's Clipper Ship - Sailor
Calypso's C Litter - 'Constellations'
Dam: CH Calypsokai's Avanti Et Kellnor (Avanti)
Sire: CH CedarCove's Double Word Score (Scrabble)
Whelped: March 12, 2011
Green boy - Calypso's Drako - Walter
Yellow girl - Calypso's Andromeda - Maisie
Lavender girl - Calypso Scrabble's Mensa - Mensa
Red girl - Calypso Scrabble's Phoenix - Sophie
Blue boy - Calypso Scrabble's Our Hero Perseus - Dexter
Olive boy - Calypso Scrabble's Indus - Apache
White girl - Calypso's Cassiopeia - Basil

Calypso's B Litter - 'Bands'
Dam: CH Calypso Gusgal V Maxamillion (Maxie)
Sire: CH THN'S Dreammaker (Alex)
Whelped: March 29, 2008
GCH Calypso Alex Naughty by Nature
GCH Calypso V Alex Raven Moon
Calypso's Mountain
Calypso's Steppenwolf
Calypso's Blue Oyster Cult
Calypso's Crosby Stills & Nash
Calypso's Rebirth Brass Band
Calypso's Superchic(K)
Calypso's A Litter - 'American Automobiles'
Dam: CH Calypso Gusgal v Maxamillion (Maxie)
Sire: CH Cordillera's Future Legend (Kai)
Whelped: January 30, 2007
CH Calypsokai Dumervil's Conquest
CH Calypso Kai's UB Vibe N Kronk
CH Calypsokai's Avanti Et Kellnor
CH Calypsokai Belair V Maxamillion
Calypso Stacey's Riviera
Calypso's Commander Cosmo
Calypso Denali Davos
Calypso Niko Navigator